a world engaged

a record of my new life at earlham for those back home

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I had this idea, to make this blog, back in July....Took me a little bit to get around to it....So it doesn't exactly coincide with the start of school, as I had originally planned, but close enough.

I started this blog as a way to communicate with "the folks" back home; you know who you are. I'll try to update this multiple times a week. Though I don't promise anything. My memory is like a sieve...

so anyway, today was productive; found out that I can skip CS 128 and do special projects on the side directly with my professor. My first task is determining an algorithm that can schedule "round-robin" games for any number of players. I also learned about a new job that I may be switching to under Earlham Computer Services doing database work. This is awesome because I don't know anything about databases; I can learn a lot and sharpen my CSS skills at the same time...Also, there's a ton of work that has to be done, so I'll easily be able to get in ten hours a week. Well, that made me feel productive; I guess I didn't really do or think much else. What I DID do was start the Earlham photostream for the family (at least that much coincided) and make some videos of my room for everyone's viewing enjoyment. The images are at my flickr account. All future images from my Earlham Experience will be uploaded too, so ya'll might as well bookmark it (or watch my RSS feed!!).

I also took some video of my dorm with my digital camera...Unfortunately, I can't get them to be downloadable using earlham's ftp space that they gave me...i'll put an update here when I figure it out.


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